 分类:鸟类  2022-07-13  浏览量:2149
【摘要】: 学名:Acrocephalus orientalis 英文名:Oriental Reed Warbler 分类:雀形目 东方大苇莺,又名:苇串儿、呱呱唧、剖苇、麻喳喳、苇咤子。体长约19cm。具有显著的皮黄色眉纹。在夏季,欢叫不止;在冬季,则间歇性发出沙哑似喘息的单音。在中国大陆,分布于华北和华南等地。主要分布在东亚和东南亚,其模式产地在日本。 Oriental reed warbler belo...

学名:Acrocephalus orientalis
英文名:Oriental Reed Warbler
Oriental reed warbler belongs to the order of Passeriformes, also known as reed chuaner.The body length is about 19cm.They have a distinctive leather yellow eyebrow.In summer, they call constantly .In the winter, the intermittency sounds like a wheeze.In mainland China. It is distributed in the north and south of China.It is mainly distributed in the east Asia and southeast Asia, and its model produce field is in Japan.
Oriental reed warbler: blind "love volunteers"
Oriental Reed Warbler is the largest population of birds in the reed field.Oriental reed warbler is often called "love volunteer".Why do you say that?I'm afraid we have to start saying from the beginning.
Cuckoo is a same link in the biological chain with the Oriental reed warbler, so their incubation time is similar, and the eggs are almost identical in color, spot and size.Then the cuckoo came up an idea.
When cuckoo flies in the reeds, they are not playing.In fact, they are looking at the nest of the oriental reed warbler.when does the oriental reed warbler lay eggs?When does it hatch?When female cuckoos are about to spawn, they pay more attention to the number of eggs laid by the oriental reed warbler.The hatching period of the cuckoo is two or three days less than that of the Oriental reed warbler.When the Oriental reed warbler lays one to five eggs, the cuckoo takes the opportunity to lay her eggs in the nest of the Oriental reed warbler.Confused Oriental reed warbler do not know the fact, they hatch every day, but the first baby is the big cuckoo chick!
It takes five or six days to open the eyes of the cuckoo chick.But those tiny little creatures that don't have a long hair will call out to show that they are hungry.The Oriental reed warbler goes out to find food.At that moment, the cuckoo pulled out all his strength to arch the baby of oriental reed warbler out of the nest. The Oriental reed warbler did not know that his own children had been killed, still forage food to feed the food to the cuckoo’s chicks!
The big cuckoo chicks grow bigger and bigger,when they grow up, the big cuckoos call their children back with a unique yell.When the Oriental reed warbler realize, it's too late to regret!
In the reeds, you will often see the Oriental reed warbler making yell angrily, pursuing big cuckoo which is bigger than himself.People may think that Oriental reed warblers are so fierce that can fight with cuckoos,and the cuckoos had to run away. In fact they don’t know cuckoos killed their children.
