黄鮟鱇Lophius litulon
 分类:鱼类  2022-07-13  浏览量:3019
【摘要】: 硬骨鱼类,鮟鱇目、鮟鱇科。属于深海底栖性鱼类;常见于大陆棚外围和大陆斜坡上部区域,通常栖息于深度100至600公尺水域。通常以吻触手及饵球引诱猎物前来,在瞬间一口吸入猎物,以鱼类及甲壳类为食。分布于印度洋及北太平洋西部。 学名: Lophius litulon 英文名:Yellow goosefish It is a member of the genus of Lophius.It is a d...

学名: Lophius litulon
英文名:Yellow goosefish
It is a member of the genus of Lophius.It is a deep-sea aquatic fish,and common in the outer reaches of the continental shelf and the upper part of the continental slope, usually in the depths of 100 to 600 meters of water.It is usually used to lure prey with its tentacles and bait balls, inhaling its prey in an instant, feeding on fish and crustaceans.It is in the Indian Ocean and the western part of the north Pacific.
