日本瞻星鱼Uranoscopus japonicus
 分类:鱼类  2022-07-13  浏览量:2985
【摘要】: 辐鳍鱼纲,鲈形目,鳄鱚亚目。生活于200-300公尺海域,喜栖息于礁石外缘的沙地上, 分布于西太平洋地区。性凶猛,将鱼体埋于沙泥中,只露出大嘴与双眼,以口腔内的皮瓣引诱猎物上当,再伺机跃起捕食。肉食性,以小鱼及甲壳类为主。 学名:Uranoscopus japonicus 英文名:Japanese zhan star fish They often live in 200-300 meters o...

辐鳍鱼纲,鲈形目,鳄鱚亚目。生活于200-300公尺海域,喜栖息于礁石外缘的沙地上, 分布于西太平洋地区。性凶猛,将鱼体埋于沙泥中,只露出大嘴与双眼,以口腔内的皮瓣引诱猎物上当,再伺机跃起捕食。肉食性,以小鱼及甲壳类为主。
学名:Uranoscopus japonicus
英文名:Japanese zhan star fish
They often live in 200-300 meters of sea, it is located in the sand on the fringe of the reef and the western Pacific region.Sexual ferocity, the fish body buried in sand mud, only reveal big mouth and eyes, the skin flap in the mouth to lure prey, and then leap to prey.They are carnivorous, mainly live on small fish and crustaceans.
